Sculptural Installations
Lobby / 2006 / collaboration with André van Bergen / Marres / Maastricht
Example / 2006 / Volume / Post CS building / Amsterdam
À l'extérieur. Rites de Passage / 2008 / Marres Maastricht / collaboration with André van Bergen (solo)
Example II / 2008 / Volume, Vol II / Badischer Kunstverein / Karlsruhe (D)
Particle / 2010 / solo exhibition / Ellen de Bruijne Projects Amsterdam
As / Marres / Maastricht / 2005
Partition / 2015 / solo exhibition / Ellen de Bruijne Projects
Mesh / 2005 / Ellen de Bruijne Projects / Amsterdam
Room 7 / 2003 / Not Fair / Las Palmas / Rotterdam
Shopwindow / 2003 / Grachtenfestival / Amsterdam